Follow-up, Maintenance, and Repair

Long-term follow-up, maintenance and repair of your treatment is very important to maintain your beautiful smile!

Follow-up: All cosmetic treatment should have a proper follow-up to re-evaluate how the teeth and soft tissues have reacted to the treatment and how the patient’s phonetics may be affected. Next, we evaluate how the patient feels about the new appearance of the smile and how the patient is caring for the new smile at home as well as provide any additional help or direction they may need. Finally, we take "after" photos for both the dentist and patient to keep. This follow-up is critical to the long-term success and patient happiness with the new smile!

Maintenance: Maintenance may be required for certain dental procedures. For example, bonding requires the hygienist to clean the teeth carefully, so as not to ditch the composites and accelerate staining, the patient must be checked for occlusal (bite) changes requiring a night guard or adjustment of the occlusion, and soft tissue must be cleaned and maintained both in the dental office and at home. Many of the observations required during immediate follow-up and mentioned above must be performed on a long term regular basis at regular dental hygiene and exam appointments to ensure the best long term success of cosmetic improvements.

Repair: Often patients may require repair of cosmetic improvements due either to the nature of the treatment (such as certain bonding situations that can chip or stain over time), or to accidents that patients may have, be they small or large. Some repairs are simple and others more complex. We pride ourselves on being able to provide the most up-to-date techniques and equipment to allow us to repair patients’ cosmetic improvements easily and efficiently, thus avoiding major re-treatment over the years, after already making a major investment on a smile improvement.

At the Center for Cosmetic Dentistry at Feiler Dental Associates, we are proud to have one of the most advanced and comprehensive centers to provide patients with a place to seek advice, opinions, initial treatment or repair treatment. We always advise patients that in our effort to be comprehensive and to provide the best treatment available, we take our time in all phases of care, thus often requiring longer visits from initial examinations to maintenance and follow-up visits. This is done with the patient’s best interests in mind.

Our goal is to provide the most advanced treatment available in a manner that is tailored appropriately for you, with all factors considered.

Please feel free to contact us any time with questions you may have. We will answer them as quickly and comprehensively as possible.



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 Office Locations

River Edge
1060 Main St Ste 100  River Edge, NJ 07661
Call: (201) 342-3600
99 Conklintown Road  Wanaque, NJ 07465 
Call: (973) 839-0900